The adven­ture star­ted from our school at 10.30 p.m. on Satur­day night for 60 stu­dents and four tea­chers. From the­re we dro­ve about 1000 kilo­me­t­res through Ger­ma­ny, the Net­her­lands and France to Calais. We took the fer­ry to Dover from the­re. The fer­ry ride las­ted 90 minu­tes for about 30 kilo­me­t­res. We left the bus and enjoy­ed the crossing on or under deck.

Things were dif­fe­rent as soon as we left the fer­ry sin­ce all vehic­les were dri­ving on the left. So we had to be very careful when crossing a road during our six-day-stay. The wea­ther was bril­li­ant all week. We had day trips to Brigh­ton, Can­ter­bu­ry and Cam­bridge, whe­re we lear­nt a lot from our tour gui­des and tal­ked to many inte­res­t­ing peo­p­le. We explo­red Lon­don on two days and visi­ted Madame Tus­s­auds and Shakespeare’s Glo­be Theat­re, we enjoy­ed a flight with the Lon­don Eye and took lots of pho­tos of Big Ben and the many other Lon­don sights we had only seen in our Eng­lish text­books so far. What a gre­at week!